Ultimate Guide To Using Laban Technique For Actors

Ultimate Guide To Using Laban Technique For Actors

Character physicality is a crucial aspect of acting that brings depth and authenticity to performances. Laban technique is a great way of approaching this acting tool. As an actor, the way you move and use your body can communicate volumes about your character’s personality, emotions, and intentions. It is through physicality that actors can truly…

How To Build A Complex Character And Give Your Characters Depth For Actors

How To Build A Complex Character And Give Your Characters Depth For Actors

It is often said that the moments audience members connect with characters are the moments that we get to see the chinks in their armour. These are the moments that we get to see behind the mask and see who they truly are. These are the moments when audience members have the opportunity to feel…

The Truth Behind Lee Strasberg’s Method: Separating Fact from Fiction

The Truth Behind Lee Strasberg’s Method: Separating Fact from Fiction

As an actor, I have always been fascinated by the different techniques and approaches to acting. One of the most well-known methods is Lee Strasberg’s method. This has been used by many successful actors over the years. However, there are also many misconceptions and criticisms surrounding the method. In this article, I will explore the…

Why You Need A Personal Acting Practice (And How To Build One) : The Ultimate Guide

Why You Need A Personal Acting Practice (And How To Build One) : The Ultimate Guide

Having a personal acting practice is one of the most important things an actor can do. There will inevitably be periods of time as an actor in which you are not working, and you do not have a specific role to work on. However, having a personal acting practice can make sure you are always…

The Ultimate Guide To Creating A Character’s Physicality For Actors

The Ultimate Guide To Creating A Character’s Physicality For Actors

Many actors are known for their ability to physically transform into another character. It can be very impressive when actors are able to become completely unrecognisable from themselves through their physicality. Physicality is a crucial part of character creation. I have put together a toolbox of exercises you can use in order to transform into…

How To Create A Character For Actors: Step-By-Step

How To Create A Character For Actors: Step-By-Step

Having the ability to create and transform into a complex and well-developed character is one of the most important skills an actor can have. The ability to do this widens your casting possibilities astronomically. Some actors have even made their careers entirely off of their impressive ability to appear as someone completely different. However, it…